Saturday, February 28, 2015

Gum Disease



According to a study that evaluated people who cared for loved ones with dementia and who experienced stress, stress can cause an increase in dental plaque even when the high stress levels are short-term.

When measured over a long period of time, the stress these caregivers felt boosted their risk of bleeding gums, or gingivitis, which can progress to serious gum disease.

Kemp Orthodontics wants to remind you that eating a balanced diet, seeing your dentist regularly, and maintaining good oral hygiene helps reduce your risks of periodontal disease. Make sure you brush at least twice a day and floss daily. Antibacterial mouth rinses also help reduce plaque-causing bacteria.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wisdom Teeth

If our wisdom was measured by our teeth, there wouldn't be many wise people.  Only about 65% of all human beings develop wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. Of that population, a high percentage of people will need to have their wisdom teeth extracted for one or more reasons. For instance, some wisdom teeth never actually come in, or erupt. They remain impacted in the jaw and must be extracted. Another group of people will have wisdom teeth that come in sideways or in a variety of problematic manners. Like impacted teeth, these malformed teeth will need to be extracted. Also, some wisdom teeth simply are too much teeth for that person's mouth, causing crowding and shifting of the other teeth. These wisdom teeth need to come out because there just isn't room for them. Finally, even when the teeth come in without causing problems within the mouth, their presence often leads to problems with infections and decay because of food particles that get trapped behind the wisdom teeth and cannot be reached by regular brushing and flossing.  At Kemp Orthodontics we work closely with your dentist to make a wise decision about your wisdom teeth that will help you to achieve the optimal result and lasting beautiful smile. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Love Your Smile Guarantee

At Kemp Orthodontics we stand behind the work we do.  If your teeth shift after you have completed treatment with Kemp Orthodontics and you do not Love Your Smile, we will gladly replace your braces at no charge to you.  The only cost you will occur is a minimal monthly charge for adjustments and the cost of new retainers.  At Kemp Orthodontics we feel you should Love Your Smile.  A healthy beautiful smile should last a lifetime, but for those rare occasions when it doesn't, we have the Kemp Orthodontics' Love Your Smile Guarantee.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Two Phase Orthodontics-Second Phase

At Kemp Orthodontics we believe that in certain cases children benefit from two phases of orthodontic treatment.  In the previous blog we discussed the benefits of the First Phase of treatment  In the Second Phase of treatment we move the permanent teeth into their final position, again working with the child's natural growth and development.

 The goals of Second Phase of treatment are:

  •  A proper relationship of teeth and jaws so that they work correctly

  • Correct alignment of the teeth for a beautiful smile

  • Positioning of the teeth and jaws for an attractive face and profile

 Orthodontic care is not a “one size fits all” approach at Kemp Orthodontics.  Each patient has a unique problem that requires a unique treatment plan that leads to a Beautiful Smile.  It would be our pleasure to further discuss the benefit of Phase Two Treatment.  Please call our office for a complimentary orthodontic examination.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Alternative Approach: Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners can be a great option for improving the look of your smile. At Kemp Orthodontics we have lots of experience using this technology to give our patients the straight, beautiful smile they've always wanted.

Some benefits of Invisalign treatment are

  1. Invisalign aligners are clear and discrete, and they can be effective at moving your teeth into their ideal positions.

  2. You don't need to change your eating habits because your aligners can be easily removed.

  3. Invisalign aligners are made of comfortable, smooth plastic.

  4. Invisalign aligners make daily oral hygiene easier.

  5. Invisalign treatment is covered by most insurance providers just like traditional braces.

A straight smile makes you look great, but it also can help you keep your mouth healthy. When your teeth are correctly aligned, you decrease health issues that can be caused by an improper bite, speech or chewing difficulties along with jaw problems and excessive wear on the tooth enamel.

Invisalign can be used by teens and adults, so whether you want to improve your own smile or need more information about orthodontic options, please contact our office to set up a complimentary orthodontic examination.