Saturday, May 30, 2015

Party Time!


Is your middle school child fretting over getting braces? At Kemp Orthodontics we are always looking for great ways to get “tweeners” excited about braces and I came across this great idea. How about throwing them a PRE-BRACE PARTY?

This will be the party that everyone will be talking about! Set up a candy bar with all the candy they won't be able to eat and let them indulge.

Don't forget the hard corn chips and popcorn!  

You can also promise a post-braces celebration. At Kemp Orthodontics we pop fresh popcorn for our patients the day they get their braces off.

The main thing is to be an encourager.  To a tween time stands still but we know that braces aren't forever but the beautiful smile will last them a life time.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Brace Friendly Recipes

cookbook“Comfort food takes on a whole new meaning when cooking for children with braces,” says Pamela Waterman, author of The Braces Cookbook: Recipes You and Your Orthodontist Will Love. “Whether you have new brackets, elastics, headgear, or more, there are great foods you can eat; it just takes some thought.”

Macaroni and cheese is the ultimate comfort food. Pasta is soft, so it's easy for children with braces to eat. The warm, gooey cheese melts in the mouth and doesn't get stuck in the braces like hard or sticky foods. Even the pickiest eater will have a soft spot for this ultimate comfort food.

Try replacing crunchy foods with a softer version. Instead of hard tacos try burritos likewise lasagna instead of pizza unless the pizza crust is soft.  Don't forget your vegies!  Prepare meals with cooked vegetable instead of raw. A vegetable stir fry is a great soft dinner for braces and it's healthy. Meat is a good source of protein but sometimes it is just too hard. A good alternative is sloppy joes. You can use ground beef, chicken or turkey and the sauce makes it even softer. Try adding a side of mash potatoes. Can you say, “yum”!  

Don't' forget dessert!  Put all that chewy stuff away and enjoy a bowl of ice cream or frozen yogurt for dessert.

If you have any Brace Friendly Recipes to share please do so on our Kemp Orthodontic Facebook page.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What is Dentofacial Orthopedics?



At Kemp Orthodontics we specialize in orthodontics but did you know that we also specialize in dentofacial orthopedics. Most people are familiar with orthodontics but may not know what dentofacial orthopedics is.  In today's blog I am going to explain the difference.

While orthodontics entails the management of tooth movement, dentofacial orthopedics involves the guidance of facial growth and facial development, which occurs for the most part during childhood, and is a reason why children ages 7-10 are often the best candidates for receiving dentofacial orthopedic therapy. Dr. David Kemp of Kemp Orthodontics is trained to monitor your child's growth to determine the best timing of treatment. Sometimes it may be necessary to start treatment before all the permanent teeth erupt. This treatment we refer to as Phase I Treatment. During this phase of treatment we can redirect the growth making sure the jaws are aligned and there is enough room to accommodate the eruption of permanent teeth. Phase II treatment is recommended once the permanent teeth have erupted.

At Kemp Orthodontics we use dentofacial orthopedics to treat adult patients also. The difference is in adult patients the jaw are set (growth is finished) so dentofacial orthopedics may involve surgical correction. If surgery is recommended then Dr. David Kemp will work closely with an oral surgeon to create the beautiful smile you desire. It is never too late!

Dr. David Kemp of Kemp Orthodontics is skilled in both areas and he will be able to diagnose and treat any misalignments in the teeth and jaw as well as the facial structure with orthodontics or a combination of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedic treatment.

I hope this blog has been helpful and if you are concerned about yourself or your child's bite please call Kemp Orthodontics for a complimentary initial consultation.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Foods to avoid while you are in braces

MP900438442At Kemp Orthodontics we want you to know that some foods can also help or hurt you while you're wearing braces. Remember to cut your food into small pieces that can be easily chewed. You will want to avoid hard and chewy foods that can break your braces or bend your wires.

Foods such as corn on the cob, nuts, carrots, apples, ice, and bubble gum should be avoided but you can take the corn off the cob, chop the nuts, and slice your apples… get the idea?

We will provide you with a list, which is to be used as a guideline but just because the food isn't on the list it doesn't mean it isn't meant to be avoided.

Remember if you think it is probably too hard chances are it is.

Our main concern at Kemp Orthodontics is that your braces come off in a timely manner. Excessive breakage of your appliance can add to the time you are in braces. It is a small sacrifice for such a short time and then you will have your beautiful smile for a lifetime.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Good Brushing Habits


Good oral hygiene habits you use while wearing braces will help you achieve the beautiful smile you and the Kemp Orthodontics team have been working toward. Once your braces are off, it may be tempting to slack off on the brushing and flossing. Don't let yourself fall into any habits that will have a negative impact on your oral health or the beautiful smile you waited for throughout the months you wore braces. It is important that you see your general dentist for regular cleanings, and continue to brush and floss your teeth each day. 

Your smile is forever!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Flossing with Braces


The Kemp Orthodontics team knows that oral hygiene is important, whether you have braces on your teeth or not. But if you are a person who wears braces, caring for your teeth and gums can become somewhat challenging. Without daily oral hygiene practices, you may become prone to cavities and tooth decay during your time in braces.

Naturally, you know that brushing your teeth each morning and night, as well as after you eat, will help keep your mouth healthy and clean during the months you wear braces. But flossing is also an important part of your hygiene routine. Flossing with braces can be tricky, but it's not impossible.

Flossing Tips for Those with Braces

In your Kemp Orthodontic tooth care kit you will find a floss threader. It is a small plastic needle that will help you guide the floss between your wires and teeth. Give yourself enough floss to thread, about 12-18 inches. Guide the needle under the wires and once the floss is behind the wire, you can move the floss easily between your teeth removing any food particles. Repeat this between each tooth making sure you use a clean section of the floss.

Another helpful tool that Kemp Orthodontics provides is a proxy brush. The proxy brush can remove and loosen food particles.  If you need any helpful tips to keeping your braces clean, Kemp Orthodontics staff are trained to help you achieve that beautiful smile.