Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas from Dr. Kemp

I want to wish all my patients and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I have the best job, and I want to thank you for letting me do the job that I love.  What could be better than Creating Beautiful Smiles?  I also want to remind you that our office will be closing today, December 23rd at 5:00pm. The Kemp Orthodontic team will be enjoying time with their family and friends during this holiday season. We will be back to serve you on Monday, January 5th at 8:00am.  If you should have an urgent emergency, please call our office at 615-790-7027, and a member of the staff will be alerted.  

Monday, December 8, 2014


Orthodontic treatment is an ongoing process, and most of it happens when you aren't in my office.

Teamwork between you, me, and my staff is essential.  My goal when I map out the treatment plan is to try to achieve a Beautiful Smile within the shortest treatment time possible.  This goal can only be achieved if I have full cooperation from you, the patient. 

Over the next several days, I am going to share with you the different ways your cooperation is essential to creating a beautiful smile. By actively taking part in your treatment, you and I can work to the ultimate goal…Your Beautiful Smile.



Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Did you know that stress can affect your oral health?

We all know that excess stress may give you a headache, a stomachache, or just a feeling of being "on edge." But did you know that too much stress could also be doing a number on your mouth, teeth, gums, and overall health?

The following are the potential effects from stress and anxiety that can affect your oral health:

         1. Mouth sores, including canker sores and cold sores                              

2. Clenching of teeth and teeth grinding (bruxism)

             3. Poor oral hygiene and unhealthy eating routines

             4. Periodontal (gum) disease or worsening of existing periodontal disease

In the next series of blogs, I am going to discuss the above situations and, hopefully, show  you  how to relieve or prevent.  At Kemp Orthodontics it is our goal to make your time in treatment as stress-free as possible.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!


[caption id="attachment_2857" align="aligncenter" width="259"]images Happy Thanksgiving from Kemp Orthodontics[/caption]

At Kemp Orthodontics we have so much to be thankful for.  We are especially thankful for all our awesome patients and families that we have had the pleasure of knowing.  In the past 28 years we have seen a lot of smiles transformed into healthy beautiful smiles.  May you have a blessed Thanksgiving as you gather with your family.


Dr. David Kemp and Staff

Reminder:  Our office will close at 12 noon on Wednesday, November 26th and reopen on Monday, December 1st.  If  you have an urgent emergency that can not wait please call 615-790-7027 for on call office instructions.


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Why Does My Child Need Two-Phase Treatment?

At Kemp Orthodontics we believe that in certain cases children benefit from two phases of orthodontic treatment.  The goal of this treatment is to create a better environment for your child's permanent teeth as they begin to replace the baby teeth.

 A first phase of treatment is initiated to:

  •  Develop both the upper and lower jaws to accommodate all of the permanent teeth

  • Develop the correct alignment and relationship between the upper and lower jaws

  • Produce a well- balanced facial profile

A first phase of treatment benefits patients physically, enabling them to bite or chew more effectively.  It may reduce the risk of breaking front teeth that protrude.  And for many patients, there is improvement in self-esteem.  The dental changes that result from a first phase treatment may contribute to long-term stability, meaning that teeth stay where Dr. Kemp has moved them.   By timing orthodontic treatment to predictable stages of development, Dr. Kemp works to take advantage of your child's natural growth and development.

 A second phase of treatment moves permanent teeth into their final position, again working with the child's natural growth and development.

 The goals of two-phase treatment are:

  •  A proper relationship of teeth and jaws so that they work correctly

  • Correct alignment of the teeth for a beautiful smile

  • Positioning of the teeth and jaws for an attractive face and profile

 Orthodontic care is not a “one size fits all” approach at Kemp Orthodontics.  Each patient has a unique problem that requires a unique treatment plan that leads to a Beautiful Smile.





Friday, November 14, 2014


Now, there's a weird sounding word: /frə-ˈnek-tə-mē/ 

Have you ever seen a smile where the two front teeth gap open around a thick band of tissue? Sometimes this gap can be caused by abnormally thick tissue between the upper front teeth. This tissue is called frenum (or frenulum), and most of the time needs to be removed in order to close the gap between those two front teeth. A frenectomy is a dental surgery for patients who have a gap between their upper two front teeth that may be caused by the frenum.  When this tissue is thicker than normal, it can cause spacing between the upper two front teeth.  We call this spacing a diastema.   The frenectomy is a procedure that removes some of the tissue to allow the diastema to be closed and ultimately stabilize the teeth so the space can remain closed.  Today, this procedure is usually performed by laser, and, while the word is weird, the procedure is a snap. Dr. Kemp may recommend a frenectomy to achieve optimal results from your orthodontic treatment. He'll work closely with your dentist and your periodontist or oral surgeon to be sure you get fantastic results that lead to your beautiful smile.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Mouth Sores

Canker sores are small ulcers that appear in the inside of the mouth.  They are usually white or grayish in the middle and then they are bordered in red.  You might have one sore or multiple sores at a time.  Although experts aren't sure what causes canker sores -- it could be immune system problems, bacteria, or viruses, they do think that stress, as well as fatigue and allergies, can increase the risk of getting them. The good news is canker sores are not contagious.

There are over-the counter topical anesthetics that work well for the irritation of canker sores.  The product Kemp Orthodontics recommends is Zilactin ®.  Remember to avoid spicy, hot foods or food that has a high acid content because they will irritate and prolong the healing process for canker sores.

Cold sores often appear on or around the mouth area.  They are also called fever blisters because they are filled with fluid.  Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and are contagious.

An outbreak of cold sores can be triggered by emotional upset, fever, excess exposure to the sun and skin abrasion. Most of the time fever blisters heal on their own in a week.   Treatment is available, including over-the-counter remedies as mentioned above.  In severe cases Dr. Kemp may prescribe an antiviral drug.

If you suffer from cold sores, please ask Dr. Kemp for advice.  The key to healing cold sores is to start treatment as soon as the cold sore begins to form.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Plaque: Enemy of Teeth

At Kemp Orthodontics, we know nobody likes to get plaque on his or her teeth. Here are five other ways you can avoid that dreaded enemy of the teeth during orthodontic treatment, courtesy of WebMD.

Start with brushing regularly. Brushing your teeth twice a day with toothpaste is vital to a healthy mouth. Make sure you brush all the surfaces of your teeth.

Next on the list is flossing daily. A simple daily flossing between teeth clears away plaque before it can cause damage and can also clean plaque at the gum line. Plaque is known to accumulate in the spaces between teeth.

Neglecting to visit your dentist is not a great idea. Let's say you brush and floss daily. You're still at risk for plaque. With time, the plaque hardens and turns into tartar. Consider visiting your general dentist at least twice a year or as recommended by Dr. Kemp.  If you visited your dentist regularly, you have a lower chance of getting cavities while wearing braces.

You also want to fuel up on fruits and veggies. Believe it or not, there are foods out there that play a key role in keeping plaque off our teeth. They include apples, carrots, cucumbers and other raw fruits and vegetables. You can still eat these types of crunchy fruits and veggies even when wearing braces IF you cut them up into bite-sized pieces to avoid breaking brackets and wires.

Finally, refuse to give in to your sweet tooth! Consuming sugary drinks or eating candy or other junk food allows sugar to stick to our teeth. Bacteria loves sugar. This bacteria feeds on the sticky sugar and then creates plaque, which turns into acid and damages our teeth.

Avoiding these five bad habits keeps plaque in check and your mouth healthy during your orthodontic treatment at Kemp Orthodontics.

If you have any questions, visit our website, give us a call, or ask us on Facebook!


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween: Trick or Treat?


At Kemp Orthodontics we want to remind you to not be tricked by your treats.  Let's try to get through this season without causing harm to your braces.  Remember that hard candy can damage your braces by causing brackets to come dislodged or bending your archwire.  Since your archwire is the guide to where your teeth are going to be move, if you make a bend in your wire by biting on something too hard you can cause your teeth to move in the wrong direction.  We all enjoy sweet treats but stay away from the hard, sticky and chewy candy to avoid breaking your braces.   Because your braces will trap the sugar and keep it close to your teeth,  please brush promptly after eating to ensure healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.

Friday, October 10, 2014

What if I break or lose my retainers?

If you should lose or break your retainer, you should call the office of Kemp Orthodontics as soon as possible to arrange for an appointment to have new retainers made.  There will be an additional charge to repair or replace your retainer.  If you have broken your retainer, please bring it with you as in some cases it can be repaired.  If you lost your retainer, you will need to have a new impression taken for making your new retainer. Usually, your replacement retainer can be ready in one week.   Your beautiful smile needs to be protected and preserved, so please take good care of your retainers.  

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cold and Flu Season is Here

Cold and Flu Season is here. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that a common cold usually includes sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and coughing.  The symptoms can last for up to two weeks.

To promote a healthy and clean environment,  Dr. David Kemp and our entire team at Kemp Orthodontics give a great deal of attention to sanitation in our offices at all times, as well as following all requirements for sterilizing instruments and work surfaces.  For the protection of other patients and our staff, we ask that our patients reschedule their appointments if they have any type of cold or illness that can infect others.

Please remember to wash your hands frequently and to avoid contact with those who are ill.  Let's stay healthy!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Orthodontic Diet

Oh, no!  It's that awful four-letter word again.  Yes, we need to talk to you again about what you are eating.  The number one cause for breakage in braces is biting into something that's too hard.  At Kemp Orthodontics we desire to achieve a Beautiful Smile within the shortest treatment time possible, but excessive broken braces can extend your treatment time.  Try to avoid hard foods like nuts, hard candy, corn chips, and crispy taco shells.  In addition, you should cut some foods, like apples, into small pieces.

If you need a detailed list of foods to avoid, please let us know, and we'll be happy to give you a handout.  Take good care of your teeth and braces, and together we will achieve your treatment goal of a Beautiful Smile.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Communication is Important

Kemp Orthodontics would like to invite you to use our website contact page or our Facebook page.  Of course, you may also give us a call! As technology becomes more advanced, our role as an orthodontic practice has changed significantly. For example, social networks and modern technology have transformed the way we communicate with patients. Technology plays a HUGE role in our communication with our patients! Advances in technology and social networking allow us to connect with our patients on every level. It allows us to keep our patients up-to-date on our latest contests and activities going on in the office. Kemp Orthodontics wants to make sure everyone gets to participate, so visit our website and our Facebook page often.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Poor Oral Hygiene

When you are under stress and experience mood changes, you may want to skip your oral hygiene habits.  It is so important to keep your mouth, teeth and gums clean, or your oral health with suffer.  If you already have gum disease, then you will worsen the problem.  If you have a healthy mouth, then you run the risk of developing gum disease or an increase in cavities.

Also, when you are under stress, you may develop unhealthy eating habits. These bad habits increase the risk of cavities, not to mention the risk to your over-all good health.

Remember, too, that when stress causes you to skip those good oral hygiene habits, you will develop bad breath and dirty teeth. Kemp Orthodontics wants to remind you of the importance of good oral hygiene. A beautiful smile begins with healthy teeth and gums.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Top Dentists of 2014

nashville lifeWe are pleased to announce that Dr. David Kemp of Kemp Orthodontics is featured in the Nashville Lifestyle Magazine as one of the Top Dentists of 2014. Dr. David Kemp has been creating Beautiful Smiles in Franklin and Brentwood, Tennessee as well as the surrounding areas since 1986. "I truly love orthodontics. I take pride in transforming problem teeth into a beautiful smile that gives a youthful appearance and boosts your confidence." What sets Kemp Orthodontics apart from other orthodontic practices is the extra attention Dr. Kemp gives to his patients and their treatment results. Dr. Kemp's unique, highly technical system for placing the most technologically advanced braces system (3M Clarity Advanced Ceramic Bracket) will give you that Beautiful Smile more quickly and with less discomfort.

What's stopping you from having that Beautiful Smile?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Orthodontic Insurance Summary


I hope the Kemp Orthodontic blog posts about Orthodontic Insurance have been helpful.  To summarize the previous blog posts, here are some “Helpful Hints”-

  1. Know what your orthodontic benefits are before treatment begins with Kemp Orthodontics.  If you are not sure of your benefits, contact your insurance company so that you know the exact amount you can expect to be paid and when payment will be received.

  2. If you would like Kemp Orthodontics to submit claim forms on your behalf, we ask that you provide us with the name, address, and telephone number of your insurance company along with your group number and ID number. Just give us a photocopy of your insurance card, which usually offers this information.

  3. Remember that Kemp Orthodontics cannot render services on the assumption that our charges will be paid by your insurance carrier.  Our financial relationship is with our patients and/or their families and not with their insurance. However, for your convenience, we will accept payments from your insurance company if you choose to assign them to us; otherwise, the insurance payments will come directly to you, the insured.

  4. Once treatment is started, your insurance company may require verification of continuing treatment with Kemp Orthodontics.  You may send them a copy of your canceled checks or cash receipts from our office.  If your insurance carrier provides you with a form for verification, we will gladly assist you in completing the form.

If you have any questions please contact our office via our website www. or our Kemp Orthodontics Facebook page.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Can I Purchase Orthodontic Insurance?

Many times patients ask me, “Can I purchase Orthodontic Insurance?” Since I am not a qualified insurance agent, I suggest my patients or their families ask their local insurance agents for this answer. Unfortunately, what they typically find is that private orthodontic insurance is quite expensive. After considering the waiting period, the deductible, and the cost of the premiums themselves, most patients find that the maximum benefit allowed for treatment is not the worth the expense of the policy.  At Kemp Orthodontics, we realize that orthodontic treatment represents a significant investment in your dental health, and that is why we offer several payment options.  If you have any questions about these payment options, please contact our office via our website www. or on our Kemp Orthodontics Facebook page.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kemp Orthodontics and Your Insurance

For your convenience, Kemp Orthodontics will gladly assist you in submitting both predetermination and initial insurance claims for your orthodontic treatment in our office.  However, please be aware that our primary financial relationship is with our patients and/or their families and not with their respective insurance companies.  Final responsibility of collection of benefits from your insurance company rests with the insured party.  It is very important to know what your benefits are before treatment begins.  If you are not sure of your benefits, contact your insurance company prior to your appointment.  In the previous Blog post “How does orthodontic insurance work,” I gave a helpful list of questions to ask when you call your insurance company.  If you have any general questions regarding orthodontic insurance, please contact our office via our website www. or visit our Kemp Orthodontics Facebook page.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

How Does Orthodontic Insurance Work?

At Kemp Orthodontics, we will gladly assist you in filing your insurance. Insurance carriers offer many different orthodontic benefit packages to their subscribers, and each contract provides a different benefit.  It is very important to know what your benefits are before treatment begins.  If you are not sure of your benefits, contact your insurance company prior to your first orthodontic appointment.

Orthodontic insurance generally differs from regular dental insurance in that each insured individual usually has a life time maximum benefit for orthodontic services. Typically, this benefit is a percentage of the total orthodontic fee until the maximum benefit is reached.  This benefit, in most cases, is paid over the course of the treatment.

I have come up with a helpful list of questions to follow when calling your insurance company.

  1. What percentage of your total treatment will your insurance pay?

  2. What is the maximum amount your insurance will pay for orthodontic treatment?

  3. Is there a deductible, and, if so, the amount?

  4. Is there an age limitation for treatment?

  5. Is there a waiting period?

I hope you have found this information helpful if you have any questions, please contact our office via our website  or at our Kemp Orthodontics Facebook page.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How long is the retention phase of treatment?

Typically, patients in the retention phase of treatment need to be seen periodically for at least one year after braces are removed.   As a patient of Kemp Orthodontics, you are responsible for following Dr. Kemp's instructions regarding your retainer and its use.  Usually, a removable retainer is prescribed, and it is worn only at night – but every night.  Alternatively, a fixed retainer, one that is bonded to your teeth and is not removable, may be prescribed for you.  A fixed retainer may be worn for several years as long as you maintain good oral hygiene.  Your visits to Kemp Orthodontics will be less frequent but not less important.  Remember: your retainers are the best insurance for keeping your Beautiful Smile!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer Fun Contest


Kemp Orthodontics loves being able to keep in touch with our patients through Facebook.  It allows us to form true friendships with our patients outside of the office!  We would love to hear about what you have been doing this summer.  Why don't you post pictures of your summer fun on our Facebook page?  We would love to see your smiling faces!  Not on Facebook?  No worries, just email the picture and with your permission we will post it to our Facebook page.  Everyone that contributes to our "Summer Fun Contest"  will be entered into a drawing for a family pass to Nashville Shores Waterpark.  The contest ends August 1, 2014.



Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring Cleaning

It's time for Spring Cleaning at Kemp Orthodontics. We want to make sure 
we have the up to date information on all our patients.   As you probably 
know, you can always connect with us on our website
and/or on our Facebook page to make any changes in your patient information,
such as email address, mailing address and phone numbers. 
At Kemp Orthodontics we want to make sure we are able to contact you with 
any important information regarding your treatment. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Will my teeth move to their original position after treatment?

The goal of the retention phase of orthodontic treatment is to limit shifts in dental occlusion that occur naturally as we age.  If you, the patient, follow Dr. Kemp's instructions and use your retainers as he instructed for as long as he instructs, then you need not be concerned about your teeth shifting after your braces are removed.  At Kemp Orthodontics we stand behind the work we do.  If your teeth shift after you have completed treatment with Kemp Orthodontics and you do not Love Your Smile, we will gladly replace your braces at no replacement charge to you.  The only cost you will occur is a minimal monthly charge for adjustments and the cost of new retainers.  At Kemp Orthodontics we feel you should Love Your Smile.  A healthy beautiful smile should last a lifetime, but for those rare occasions when it doesn't, we have the Kemp Orthodontics' Love Your Smile Guarantee.