Thursday, February 25, 2016

Beautiful Smiles Lead To Beautiful Speech

Let your smile help your words flow!

A smile is often worth a thousand words, especially for the many people who struggle with speech problems. Sadly, many people get in the habit of keeping their mouths closed and keeping their words inside their heads because of orthodontic problems. The good news is that Kemp Orthodontics not only can help you light up the world with your beautiful smile, but Dr. Kemp also may be able to help correct problems that exist in your facial structure that lead to several speech problems.

In order to create speech, the parts inside our mouths have to work together to form the sounds we use for communication. If the teeth, tongue, and palate are misaligned, patients may experience difficulty pronouncing certain sounds, which leads them to the chronic problem of mispronunciation. These mispronunciations may be thought of as cute in toddlers, but for older children and adults who suffer with this speech problem, it is a hardship that can lead to self-confidence issues later in life. Orthodontic treatment can correct this misalignment and facilitate correct speech pronunciation patterns.

Another common speech disorder related to misalignment is called a lisp, which exists when a person is unable to make specific sounds. Many preschoolers lisp as they learn speech patterns. However, pediatricians recommend an orthodontic evaluation if the child lisps as he or she begins elementary school age. Again, orthodontic treatment may be able to correct the structural misalignments that lead to lisping.

A third form of speech problem occurs when you slur your speech. Often, slurred speech is categorized by poor pronunciation of words, change in speed or rhythm during talking, or mumbling during speech. Sometimes people slur their speech because the structure of the jaw or placement of teeth restricts the movement needed to speak clearly and distinctly. Orthodontic treatment may be just the tool to help people speak clearly, distinctly, and fluidly.

Though orthodontic treatment might not result in a remedy for all speech problems, many people who struggle with speech problems benefit from orthodontic treatment at Kemp Orthodontics. Come in today to discover how Dr. Kemp can give you a beautiful smile that frames beautiful speech.

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